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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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December 28, 2016

Recruiting: Age Friendly Charter Steering Group

Now that the Age Friendly Charter is finished, Time to Shine must move on to the next step, which is encouraging groups and individuals around the city to put it into action. 

There are many directions the work could go in, and many priorities to choose from. Age Friendly Campaign Officer Emily Axel would like input from a steering group of older people to decide that direction. 

This is a chance to be directly involved with making Leeds a more Age Friendly city. Being a part of the group would mean: 

  • Meeting regularly (probably monthly or every six weeks; exact frequency to be decided by the group). 
  • Helping to determine Time to Shine’s Age Friendly priorities 
  • As you are able, promoting the work of the group in your local community and online 

The meetings will take place in various locations around Leeds. Venues will always be accessible and conveniently located for as many people as possible. You would be reimbursed for travel expenses, including taxis if necessary. 

The first meeting will ideally happen in early February. If you think you might be interested, you are welcome to come to the first meeting and then decide if you would like to continue. No commitment is expected at this time. 

If you are over 50 and might be interested, please get in touch with Emily to discuss further: or 0113 244 1697

See the Steering Group Flyer here.