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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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August 27, 2019

Time to Shine Marketplace

Join us to celebrate the work of our amazing Time to Shine Delivery Partners and to launch the Age Proud Leeds campaign

Time to Shine is organising a Time to Shine Marketplace event alongside the launch of our new campaign – Age Proud Leeds. The event will be an opportunity to showcase and share news of ongoing work funded by Time to Shine, and to learn about the campaign and how you can be involved.

We would love Time to Shine delivery partners to exhibit a stand at the event, to showcase the work you are doing to reduce social isolation and loneliness in Leeds, and show what you have learned so far about what works, and what doesn’t. All stands will be free.

We would also be delighted if older people you have worked with would like to take part in the event too. Time to Shine Marketplace is a free event.

Time to Shine Marketplace will be at Brodrick Hall, Leeds City Museum from 11.00-3.00 on Thursday October 3. Delivery partners can set up their stalls from 10.00.

Time to Shine Marketplace is part of an ongoing drive to ensure Time to Shine, and everyone involved, leaves a rich legacy of learning about how to reduce social isolation and loneliness.

Please contact Jessica if you are a Time to Shine delivery partner and you would like a free stall at Time to Shine Marketplace. – 0113 244 1697

You can also book places on Eventbrite for whoever would like to come to the event. It is not essential to book just to come to the event, but if you do it will help us to know how many people are coming.