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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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July 29, 2021

Sharing our learning

Year seven of Time to Shine is all about us sharing our learning with you – and by ‘you’ I mean anyone who might be able to use that learning to make the world a better place for socially isolated and lonely older people, no matter how small a change you can make.

We have already shared a lot this year:

  • We have provided training to two organisations and a dozen individuals about how well coproduction works with older people
  • We welcomed Annabel Collins of Ageing Better in Camden for a workshop on the Warm Welcome approach and shared the toolkit – I hope this has helped you make sure people who arrive at your groups feel able to stay.
  • Sharon Middling told us all about the ABCD approach used by Leeds Community Connect and we shared her toolkit
  • I have sent a weekly bulletin to Time to Shine delivery partners, telling them about learning in Leeds, funding for activities in the city and seminars, and learning about the work of other Ageing Better programmes across England. I hope some of them will find the information on ‘Covid’ walks useful, or the toolkit for street outreach might help them find some of those ‘invisible’ older people. I know some now have new digital devices they can loan out.
  • We have launched a monthly newsletter, aimed at anyone who wants to find out what our wonderful delivery partners have shared with us over the past six years and how they have been able to use that learning to reduce social isolation and loneliness for older people in Leeds
  • We have also now set out a framework programme for learning dissemination for the rest of 2021 (it’s always worth checking as we are likely to add things).

Pulling this programme together helped me to realise just how much amazing learning we have gathered over the past six years – enough reports and toolkits for it to be tricky for anyone other than us to find them! So we added learning lists with all the links you might need to help you find documents for practitioners and managers, academics and strategic decision makers and commissioners.

See our Programme of events (July 2021-January 2022) with learning lists.

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Jessica Duffy
Time to Shine Learning Facilitator