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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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February 7, 2022

Work with us and Enhance our community

Leeds Older People’s Forum, on behalf of the Forum Central Partnership is launching the new Enhance Programme today in partnership with Leeds Community Healthcare Trust.

Funding opportunity to become an Enhance delivery partner
Deadline for applications: 5.00pm Friday 25 February.

Enhance’s main aims will be to support safe and sustainable discharge from hospital and neighbourhood teams into a secure home environment and to link Neighbourhood Teams with third sector organisations to enhance capacity in both sectors and avoid both delayed discharges and readmissions. We know that links with Local Care Partnerships will be important for the success of this programme too.

It is expected that Enhance will largely involve older people but it is acknowledged that the need for support will be present across all sections of the Leeds community. Joined up approaches which include organisations working with under 50s will be required to make this work effectively. Enhance will be a cross-sector partnership with all partners being equal to provide wraparound welfare.

The official definition of the word enhance, according to the Cambridge dictionary, is to improve the quality, amount or strength of something. Synonyms of enhance such as boost, complement, heighten, intensify and reinforce are all words that we hear so frequently applied to our third sector organisations across the city.

We know that third sector partners in Leeds are experts in enhancing the lives of people living in Leeds. This has never been more evident than during the pandemic when community organisations stepped up to the plate with such determination and passion!
If you think that your organisation could become a key delivery partner to Enhance the experience of people leaving hospital and settling back into home and the community, then take a look at the project specification on the LOPF or Forum Central websites and complete the JotForm to make an application – we can’t wait to hear what your plans are!