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Leeds Older People’s Forum
Two women listening to each other
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July 28, 2022

Looking back, looking forward… at our AGM

Profile image for Jo Volpe

Chief Executive Officer, LOPF

We recently welcomed 36 people to our Annual General Meeting at the St. George’s Centre.  It was great to look back on the year and celebrate our work on Time to Shine with contributions from Feel Good Factor and Yorkshire Dance.  

Cllr Jenkins, Chair of the Age Friendly Leeds Board set out some of the challenges older people are facing. Then Anne and Angie from our Age Friendly Steering Group described what it’s like being an older person in Leeds.

We were excited to share our new programmes of work on Enhance and Travel Connections.

We had a breakout session where we asked people: 

  1. How can LOPF better capture the voices of older people in Leeds?
  2. How can LOPF better represent the voices of older people in Leeds? 

There were so many post-it notes! My job is to look at those and work with the team, the board, older people in Leeds and all our members to see how we can put their ideas into practice.

We continue to work to ensure older people have the opportunities, choices and support they need to live the life they want. It was brilliant to experience first-hand the energy, commitment and engagement of the audience.

Jo Volpe
Chief Executive Officer, LOPF