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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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March 22, 2023

What kind of housing do older people need?

Profile image for Jo Volpe

Chief Executive Officer, LOPF

Housing regularly comes up as one of the major concerns for older people in Leeds. I took part, with one of our Trustees, John (a member of the national Older People’s Housing Champions Network) in a briefing on the forthcoming Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SMHA), which will help the city decide the number and types of houses we need, including for older residents.  

The briefing explained how the assessment of the city’s housing need will take place.  A survey will be sent to 27,000 households across Leeds; so if you get one, please complete it and send it back!  Another method will be to survey stakeholders. I think that’s where LOPF and our members can help make a difference.  Watch this space for more information about how you can contribute to the SHMA.  You can read the current (2017) version.

Other key issues raised at the briefing covered specialist housing, affordability, and where new houses should be built.

This exercise was part of a wider consultation around the Leeds Local Plan 2040. Take a look at the summary document. I will be sending a response from LOPF – please send me any comments by Friday 31 March –

Jo Volpe
Chief Executive Officer