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Leeds Older People’s Forum
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February 15, 2023

LOPF launches Healthy, Warm and Well grants

Profile image for Jo Volpe

Chief Executive Officer, LOPF

Leeds Older People’s Forum has launched grants for third sector organisations to support older people to stay healthy, warm and well.

Healthy, Warm and Well logo

Many older people in our communities are still trying to get over issues raised by the pandemic and now find themselves struggling with the cost of living.  We are launching this small grants round for older people’s organisations to:

  • reach out to older people who have health worries
  • ensure that older people’s incomes are maximised
  • ensure that older people know how to stay warm and well.

Organisations can apply for up to £5,000.

Timetable for grants: 

Open: February 17 
Close: 12:00 noon, March 3
Decisions: by March 10

For more information, and before applying, please read:
Healthy, warm and well grants: guidance for 3rd sector organisations

All applications must be submitted using the online form, by 12:00 noon, March 3.

If you have any questions before applying, please contact
Jo Volpe (Leeds Older People’s Forum) – / 0113 244 1697

Jo Volpe
Chief Executive Officer, LOPF