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Leeds Older People’s Forum

September 5, 2024

Happy Bus Pass

In July 2007 I applied for my first senior bus pass in person at Cross Gates Post Office. Since then I’ve used it to get all around…
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April 23, 2024

Leaving bereaving

I started working as Manager at Leeds Bereavement Forum (LBF) in January 2016. Having worked in the third sector for over twenty years at that point, I…
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April 17, 2024

Steering the station through the points

When the Age Friendly Steering Group (AFSG) were asked to take a look at the changes going on at Leeds City Train station, they went into strong planning…
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September 5, 2023

Older models needed

We are looking for models to help us update our transport image library – maybe you know someone who would be interested? We’re looking for a diverse range…
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February 2, 2023

Diversifying ageing: new collection of images

The Centre for Ageing Better has partnered with Independent Age to share new photos that exhibit the diversity of people aged 50+ in England as part of…
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January 31, 2023

Cost of Living and Third Sector resilience

With our partners in Forum Central and Third Sector Leeds we have been raising serious concerns at senior levels for Third Sector resilience and sustainability which will…
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November 22, 2022

Pause to understand the menopause

Statistics say that a million women leave the workforce at any one time due to debilitating symptoms of perimenopause. In desperation, some women reduce their working hours,…
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September 29, 2022

What is Overlooked?

‘Overlooked’ is an exhibition (opening at Leeds City Museum in February 2023) co-curated by a group of volunteers, aged 14-24, called the Preservative Party.  The group have…
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August 11, 2022

Why we care about images

We often see images in the media, in magazines, or online as reflections of ourselves and of our society. And while ageing certainly isn’t without its challenges,…
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July 14, 2022

Run for home: football and dementia

What challenge could I set myself approaching my 60th birthday to test me both physically and mentally as well as raising awareness about dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?…
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