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Leeds Older People’s Forum
man in white and black plaid dress shirt wearing red scarf

Dementia Friendly Leeds

Play your part and do what you can to help people living with dementia to feel confident, safe and part of their local community.

Raising awareness of dementia

With around 8,500 people in Leeds living with dementia, along with their carers, family and friends, this is an issue which already effects a huge number of local people and will have an impact on many more in the future.

Many older people who are living with dementia and their carers, who are often older people themselves, become reluctant to go out and about because of previous bad experiences, feelings of shame and the fear of encountering negative attitudes and exploitation. This often leads to social isolation, so as well as developing better services we also need a change in attitudes in order to include people who are living with dementia in our society.

It’s not that we want anything different in a way, it’s that we want to be able to fit in just the same without stigma. Or without people thinking ‘Oh you can’t join our group because you’ve got dementia.’

Pamela’s Story (Alzheimer’s Society)

Dementia Friendly Leeds is a campaign to raise awareness of dementia and make services more accessible. A joint partnership between Leeds Older People’s Forum, Alzheimer’s Society and Leeds City Council, the aim is to ensure people living with dementia – along with their carers – remain an active part of their city and keep doing the things they enjoy.

How can I get involved?

We encourage individuals, organisations and businesses to become more Age & Dementia Friendly and offer support to do so. We’ve developed a guide for businesses and organisations to support and encourage you to sign up and take action to become age and dementia friendly. It also helps them contribute to making Leeds a place where older people – and people living with dementia – actively participate in the life of the city.

As well as making the community a better place for everyone, businesses can also benefit from retaining customers and attracting new ones; research shows that 83% of people with memory problems have switched their shopping habits to places that are more accessible.

Dementia Friendly retail guide, Alzheimer’s Society, 2018

Join the DEEP ‘Up and Go’ Group

For anyone living with dementia in Leeds – join the Up and Go group to share your experiences and help make Leeds a Dementia Friendly city. The Up and Go group is part of the National DEEP (Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project) network, and is run in partnership with Leeds Playhouse. We meet every two weeks, currently online via zoom. The best way to join both the DEEP group is to contact the Friendly Communities team.

DEEP is a network of groups of people with dementia all across the UK. There are around 80 groups, and DEEP connects them together to share their experience, and to support each other.

Discover more about DEEP groups >

Become a Dementia Friend

We want people living with dementia to feel confident, safe and part of their local community. Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friends programme is the biggest ever initiative to change people’s perceptions of dementia. It aims to transform the way the nation thinks, acts and talks about the condition. Within Leeds we run regular public Dementia Friends sessions for individuals and can arrange bespoke sessions for our Age and Dementia Friendly organisations. Contact to find out more.

Dementia Action Week

Dementia Action Week is a national awareness raising campaign, which works with individuals and organisations across the UK to encourage people to ‘act on dementia’. This year Dementia Action Week ran from 13-19 May 2024. Dementia Friendly Leeds held an event at Headingley Stadium, on Thursday May 16. See poster for details.

There were also a range of events which took place across Leeds to mark Dementia Action Week 2024.

Dementia Friendly Leeds What’s On Listing

An online listing of social opportunities (online, phone and face-to-face) available for people living with dementia and their carers, in and around Leeds.

See the Dementia Friendly What’s On Listing

There is a search box at the top of the listing so you can narrow down your search by area (such as ‘Bramley’) or activity (such as ‘sport’)

If you offer social opportunities in Leeds either specifically for people living with dementia, or activities which are Dementia Friendly then you can add your activity to the What’s On Listing.

Add an activity to the What’s On Listing

If you have any further questions, please get in touch >