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Leeds Older People’s Forum
5 people holding up placards with slogans about ageism

Age Proud Leeds

Age Proud Leeds campaign ran from 2019 to 2022. It raised awareness of ageism, with a view to changing negative attitudes around ageing and challenging how older people are viewed in society.

About this project

Designed to challenge age discrimination, Age Proud Leeds was all about educating people on how widespread ageism is, who it affects, how attitudes can be changed, the rich diversity of older people and how we can shine a light on the many positive benefits of ageing.
This wide-ranging campaign focused on five key areas.

Ways to challenge ageism

Whilst the campaign has now ended,we are still committed to challenging ageism. Some of the activities we created during the campaign are still available:

  • Take part in Wise Up To Ageism. If you’re one of our Age and Dementia Friendly businesses, access this free training session for your team, delivered either by an interactive 2 hour workshop or a 1 hour Webinar. Wise Up to Ageism aims to raise awareness, encourages you to reflect and helps you challenge ageism in your everyday life.
  • Become an Age Friendly Ambassador for Leeds.
  • Talk to people in your community or workplace – you can download useful resources and activities to spread the message and share with others
  • How much do you know about ageing and ageism? Take the Age Proud Quiz!

Related resources and blogs

We produced a number of resources to support people involved in the Age Proud Leeds campaign against ageism. The following campaign resources are still available for anyone to use.

Easy read resources