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Leeds Older People’s Forum

All resources

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Found 332 resources

‘A Communication Lifeline’ – How outreach ethos, knowledge and skills supported rapid development of a telephone befriending service during Covid-19

October 2020
Ageing Better in Camden

‘An ordinary conversation’ – what works in street outreach?

May 2019
Ageing Better in Camden

‘Reaching out’ not ‘hard to reach’: Flexible, person-centred work

July 2020
Ageing Better in East Lindsey

‘Extending the Hand of Friendship’: Exploring loneliness among the older Irish community in Leeds

Care Connect (University of Sheffield)

21 test and learn questions from the Time to Shine programme

Time To Shine

A guide to supporting older people to keep safe online through building digital media literacy skills

July 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

A lifeline in desperate times: Lockdown learning from Time To Shine partners

October 2020
Time To Shine

A summary of delivery partners’ learning April to June 2021

August 2021
Time To Shine

A summary of delivery partners’ learning, July-September 2021

November 2021
Time To Shine

Achieving impact through community hubs

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Adapting rapidly to change: a lockdown diary

July 2020
Time To Shine, Sage (Yorkshire Mesmac)

Age and Dementia Friendly Leeds – background and local picture

Time to Shine

Age Friendly Leeds leaflet

August 2022
Leeds City Council

Age Friendly Middlesbrough Fund: Micro funding to support community groups

October 2020
Ageing Better Middlesbrough

Age Friendly Steering Group – Site Visit, Leeds Train Station

April 2024
Age Friendly Leeds

Age Friendly Steering Group – Summary Report, Leeds Train Station

April 2024
Age Friendly Leeds

Ageing Better Common Measurement Framework (CMF) evaluation questionnaire

Ageing Better

Ageing Better Impact Evaluation Report: Methods Note

December 2021
Ecorys and Bryson Purdon

Ageing Better inclusive travel approaches and active travel research: methods note

January 2022
ECORYS / National Lottery Community Fund

Ageing Better National Learning

August 2021
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Ageing Better National Learning Report 4 with summary links

August 2021
Ageing Better

Ageing Better Test and Learn final report

August 2021
Ageing Better

Ageing Better: Impact Evaluation Report

December 2021

Ageing Better: inclusive transport approaches and active travel research

January 2022
ECORYS / National Lottery Community Fund

Ageism afffects people of all ages

December 2021
Time to Shine

Ageless Thanet: A whole community approach

October 2020
Ageless Thanet

An ABCD approach to setting up a community group in your local area

August 2020
Leeds Community Connect, Time To Shine

An evaluation of phase one of Enhance (by Dr Sarah Alden)

March 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Appendix One: Enhance Evaluation Questionnaire Analysis

March 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Artist reflections: Creative sessions with care home residents during the Covid-19 pandemic

October 2021
Leeds Older People's Forum, Time To Shine

Artist reflections: Introducing Zoom sessions into care homes for In Mature Company

February 2022
Yorkshire Dance

Bereavement – learning from Ageing Bettter

October 2020
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Best Practice Guide for Restarting Support and Delivering Services

March 2021
Leeds City Council

BME Network: support for a network of small groups of Black and Minority Elders

March 2016
Time To Shine

Boosting confidence to regain independence

July 2020
Time To Shine

BOSS Certificate

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

BOSS Learner Assessment

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

BOSS practice sheet

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Brief stories: How Travel Connections is helping older people to tackle loneliness with transport

January 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Brighter Days guidance on applying for a grant


Cara Too: being a friend – Time to Shine end of project report

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Time to Shine / Leeds Irish Health & Homes

CARA: connecting older Irish people in Leeds

March 2017
Time To Shine

Care for Carers

December 2019
Ageing Better Isle of Wight

Care Homes in the Community: Evaluation report of a Bristol Ageing Better project

March 2021
Bristol Ageing Better

Care Navigators

December 2019
Ageing Better Isle of Wight

Carers Connections: linking people with a shared experience – end of project report

March 2022
Time to Shine

Carers’ Voice (Unsung Heroes): Executive Summary

October 2020
Ageing Better in Birmingham

Case study of Small Funds

January 2020
University of Sheffield

Case study of the Bee Together project

December 2020
Time To Shine, Care Connect - Local evaluation

Case study of the In Mature Company project

April 2020
Time To Shine, Care Connect - Local evaluation

Case study of the Leeds Community Connect Project

November 2019
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Case Study Summary: Reducing loneliness and social isolation through improving wellbeing: A case study of the Supporting Wellbeing (SWIFt) project

June 2018
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Challenging ageism: a guide to talking about ageing and older age

December 2021
Centre for Ageing Better

Championing Digital Inclusion

January 2021
Ageing Better in East Lindsey

Changing journeys: older people and transport

December 2021
Time to Shine

Choices: a project for older people living in the diverse population of Chapeltown in Leeds – end of project report

February 2022
Time to Shine

Co-production activity pack

January 2021
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Co-production: A Time To Shine toolkit

January 2021
Time To Shine, Centre for Loneliness Studies

Co-Production: A Time To Shine toolkit

Time To Shine

Commentaries on the pandemic response in Torbay

February 2021
Ageing Well Torbay

Communications work during Covid-19 – learning from Ageing Better

June 2021
Ageing Better

Community Connectors

October 2018
Ageing Better

Community First Yorkshire: Community Connect – final report

March 2017
Time To Shine

Community Navigators

December 2019
Ageing Better Isle of Wight

Compassionate and informative telephone calls during Covid-19

March 2020
Time To Shine

Connecting with and supporting older LGBT+ people

February 2022
Time to Shine

Connecting with Culture – an insight from Time To Shine

August 2018
Time To Shine

Covid-19 case study: Evington Crochet4All group

June 2020
Leicester Ageing Together

Covid-19 digital inclusion support – case studes

June 2020
Ageing Better Middlesbrough

Creating a cohesive programme: A Time To Shine toolkit

February 2022
Time To Shine

Creating a Learning Culture – learning from Ageing Better

April 2020
Ageing Better

Creating a warm welcome to maintain older people’s sense of belonging in the context of Covid-19: a practitioner’s guide

November 2020
Ageing Better in Camden

Creative Healthy Ageing Toolkit

June 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum / The Performance Ensemble

Dementia Action Week 2023 – events in Leeds

May 2023

Dementia Action Week 2024 Events

April 2024

Dementia Action Week event, Thursday 18 March (poster)

May 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Dementia Care Mapping: evaluating data, finding trends – In Mature Company Year 2

June 2022
Yorkshire Dance

Dementia Care Mapping: Finding Trends & Future Thinking – In Mature Company Year 1

April 2019
Yorkshire Dance

Developing Friendships

September 2019
Time To Shine

Developing social contact models in a time of social distancing

July 2020
Ambition for Ageing Manchester

Diagram to show how projects link with Time to Shine in Leeds and with Ageing Better nationally

Time To Shine

Digital Angels: support to get older people connected

March 2016
Time To Shine

Digital code of conduct for staff or volunteers

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Digital inclusion during COVID-19 – identifying gaps and bridging the digital divide(s)

November 2020
Ageing Better in East Lindsey

Digital survey

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Digital volunteer role description

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Don’t Call Me Old: working with younger older people – end of project report

August 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

East Leeds Walking Group – case study

January 2023
The Conservation Volunteers

Economy and personal resources

December 2018
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Emails (Lesson plan 2)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Engaging with members not online – teleconferencing

June 2020
Ageing Better in Camden

Enhance – our delivery partners – Leeds city-wide

June 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance – our delivery partners – North Leeds

June 2023
Leeds Older People's Forum / Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Enhance – our delivery partners – South Leeds

June 2023
Leeds Older People's Forum / Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Enhance – our delivery partners – West Leeds

June 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 1: Feedback on the process for applying for Enhance funding from Leeds Older People’s Forum

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 10: Stories from the front line

April 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 11: Progress as Year 2 gets underway

July 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 12: Cross-sector collaboration to improve health outcomes

August 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 13: Stories from the frontline – People, Prevention, Partnership

October 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 14: Review of Enhance medication prompt pilot

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 15: Review of the work with neighbourhood teams

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 16: holistic, person-centred support

January 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 16a: summary report – holistic, person-centred support

January 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 2: Early reflections on cross-sector working between Third Sector organisations and Neighbourhood Teams in Leeds

July 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 3: How are things going in the early stages of delivery?

August 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 4: The cost of living crisis – the challenges and the support on offer

September 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 5: Stories from the front line

October 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 6: Leeds Public Health Winter messages

November 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 7: practical ideas for better monitoring and evaluation

December 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Learning Briefing 8: Sharing success and considering a core offer

January 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance learning briefing 9: Stories from the front line

February 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance programme learning & evaluation findings for year two

May 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance programme learning and evaluation findings: Evaluation Questionnaire Analysis

May 2024

Enhance programme: Business case

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Enhance Second Round Evaluation Report

March 2024
Health and Care Evaluation Service

Enhancing resilience in East Lindsey communities

June 2020
Ageing Better in East Lindsey

Evaluating Ageing Better Isle of Wight: The costs and the benefits

November 2019
National Development Team for Inclusion

Evaluation of the Driving Change Together Project for Leeds Older People’s Forum

May 2024
Sarah E. Frost

Evaluation of the Enhance programme: summary report

May 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Evaluation of the Supporting Wellbeing and Independence for Frailty (SWIFt) Service Highlight Report

April 2021
NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group

Evaluation of Time to Shine Year 2 Interim Findings – Summary

September 2017
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Evaluation of Time To Shine: Year 2 Interim Findings

September 2017
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Evaluation of Travel Connections Programme: Final Report

July 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Executive summary of the Time to Shine local evaluation

October 2021
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Executive Summary: Evaluation of Travel Connections Programme

July 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Department for Transport

Exploring the online world

September 2020
Time To Shine

Falls Prevention Week activities 2022

October 2022
Leeds City Council

Findings from the Bee Together project combating loneliness and social isolation in older people with learning disabilities

October 2020
Bee Together

First phase stakeholder interviews

January 2016
Care Connect - Local evaluation

First phase stakeholder interviews: summary of main findings

January 2016
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Float your boat: encouraging people to talk on the waterways

August 2021
Time To Shine

Food for Thought -community connections through shared meals

January 2020
Time To Shine

Food for Thought: community connections through shared meals

January 2020
Time To Shine

Food for Thought: reflections on the Young At Arts project by Christian Watson

October 2017
Time To Shine

Generations coming together: intergenerational work in Time to Shine

February 2022
Time to Shine

Google Translate (Lesson plan 6)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Greater than the sum of its parts: creating a cohesive programme

October 2021
Time To Shine

Grief takes many forms: Supporting older people through loss and bereavement

July 2020
Time To Shine

Group activities with Leeds United Foundation

February 2021
Time To Shine

Health for All Connections: working with younger older people – Time to Shine end of project report

August 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Time to Shine / Health for all

Health literacy (Lesson plan 4)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Healthy, warm and well: end-of-grant report

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Helping community groups to become self-led and sustainable

September 2020
Time To Shine

Helping people to get on-line before winter 20/21

July 2020
Time To Shine

Home – a poem by Peter Spafford and Pete, Young at Arts

October 2017
Time To Shine

How community organisations contribute to healthy ageing

March 2022
Centre for Ageing Better / CRESC (Sheffield Hallam University)

How to become Age and Dementia Friendly: a guide for businesses and organisations in Leeds

January 2022
Time to Shine

How to create a warm welcome: insights pack

October 2021
Ageing Better

How to use translation apps (BOSS Workbook 6)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

How to write a blog – handout

December 2020
Time To Shine

How to write a blog: tips and ideas

December 2020
Time To Shine

Ideas on how to include accessible information

December 2020
Bee Together

Ideas on how to include people with Learning Disabilities

July 2020
Bee Together

IDOP (International Day of Older People) 2022 report

March 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Improving health outcomes through reducing financial inequality

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Improving health outcomes through reducing social isolation and loneliness

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

In Mature Company podcasts

May 2020
Yorkshire Dance, Time To Shine

In Mature Company: dance in care homes – end of project report

March 2022
Time to Shine

In Mature Dance Company: introduction to the ‘Dance Diary’

September 2020
Yorkshire Dance

Intergenerational working – learning from Ageing Better

January 2020
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Interim Findings from the Time to Shine Common Measurement Framework (CMF) Evaluation Questionnaire

Time To Shine

Interim Findings from the Time To Shine Evaluation Questionnaire – presentation

February 2020
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Internet searching (BOSS Workbook 3)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Internet searching (Lesson plan 3)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Interview schedule for one-to-one interviews with Time to Shine participants TEMPLATE

Centre For Loneliness Studies

Introduction to running a BOSS course

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Involving older people in creating services and activities

February 2020
Ageing Better in Birmingham

Isle Find It – Directory of Services and Events on the Isle of Wight

December 2019
Ageing Better Isle of Wight

Keep Ageing Better: the role of volunteers in group dynamics and legacy

April 2022
TED Ageing Better in East Lindsey

Keeping safe and avoiding crisis

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Keeping well through movement, nutrition and hydration

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Learning from Ageing Better – The ‘Test and Learn’ approach

August 2021
Ageing Better

Learning from chat and splash

May 2020
Ageing Better in Birmingham

Learning snapshot: positives of digital

March 2021
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Leeds LGBT+ mapping project – a snapshot of LGBT+ assets and challenges in Leeds – full report

May 2017
Four Forums Partnership

Leeds Neighbourhood Networks contact details


Leicester Ageing Together – Mental Wellbeing Project

July 2020
Leicester Ageing Together

Lessons from lockdown: loneliness in the time of Covid-19

February 2021
Campaign to End Loneliness

Lessons learnt from running group activities

October 2020
Ageless Thanet

Letter of recommendations from the Parliamentary Health & Social Care Committee’s inquiry into Men’s Health

June 2024
Parliamentary Health & Social Care Committee

Life, loss, learning and legacy: Learning from men’s experience of bereavement

July 2020
Lippy People, Time To Shine

Loneliness and Me films

March 2017
Time To Shine

Loneliness beyond Covid-19: learning the lessons of the pandemic for a less lonely future

July 2021
Campaign to End Loneliness

LOPF Annual Report, 2021-22

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum

LOPF Manifesto for Change

June 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

LOPF Statement on political impartiality

May 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

LOPF: Be Online Stay Safe (BOSS) Final Report

March 2024
Imogen Blood & Associates

Lychee Red Chinese Seniors

March 2016
Time To Shine

Making a Match; engaging people through their interests.

August 2021
Time To Shine

Making Leeds the best city to grow old in – the power of partnership

September 2023
LOPF / Centre for Ageing Better / Leeds City Council

Making LGBT+ older people feel comfortable in your groups: a toolkit for people organising social groups and activities for all older people

February 2022
Time to Shine

Managing your health online (BOSS Workbook 4)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Mature Driver Appraisal poster

December 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Media literacy online safety (BOSS Workbook 5)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Mental Health and Wellbeing – Learning Digest

January 2020
Bristol Ageing Better

MHA Community Support Project: helping older people get out and about

August 2021
Time To Shine


November 2020
Time To Shine

Monitoring and evaluating Enhance

November 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Monitoring and evaluation at Time To Shine

February 2022
Time To Shine, Leeds Older People's Forum

More Than a Mealtime

Time To Shine

More Than a Mealtime shared tables: Sharing and Enjoying Food Together

March 2017
Care Connect - Local evaluation

NORTH Enhance Overview (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

NortherManFestival23 FlyerFront

June 2023
Men's Health Unlocked

Older Driver Focus Group Findings

December 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Older people and the arts: health and wellbeing through creative engagement

November 2021
Time to Shine

Online safety (Lesson plan 5)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

people ● prevention ● partnership: Summary of Enhance conference outcomes, 09.11.23

December 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

People in the lead: Pam’s story

October 2020
Ageless Thanet

Phone settings (BOSS Workbook 1)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Phone settings (Lesson plan 1)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Planning for later life

October 2020
Ageless Thanet

Poem Portrait: Lang and Peter Spafford

Time To Shine

Positive mental health – learning from Ageing Better

October 2020
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Positives of digital connection

March 2021
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Programme Set up & Development: Ageing Better

December 2021
The National Lottery Community Fund

Providing access to digital services for those not online

September 2020
Ageing Better in East Lindsey

Raat di Roti – volunteer experiences

July 2016
Time To Shine

Raat Di Roti: meals shared with Punjabi elders

July 2017
Time To Shine

Re-opening venues for indoor activities

July 2020
Time To Shine

Re-starting face-to-face support outdoors

July 2020
Time To Shine

Reducing loneliness and social isolation through improving wellbeing: A case study of the Supporting Wellbeing (SWIFt) project

June 2018
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Reducing loneliness through digital connections: Case study of the Digital Angels project

August 2018
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Reducing social isolation amongst older LGBT People: a case study of the Sage project

February 2018
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Reducing social isolation and loneliness for older adults with a learning disability

January 2020
Bee Together, Time To Shine

Reducing social isolation in LGBT+ communities aged over 50

December 2018
Ageing Better, The National Lottery Community Foundation

Reducing the loneliness of vulnerable groups: A Case study of the Small Funds project

September 2017
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Reflections on Let’s Talk Transport at Feel Good Factor

May 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Reflections on Senior Spin

April 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Remote engagement – removing barriers to inclusion in the context of COVID-19

January 2021
Ageing Better, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

Research and consultation leading to Time to Shine Bid

Time To Shine

Resilience through digital inclusion

September 2020
Ageing Better in East Lindsey

Resilience: how are we coping under lockdown 2.0?

November 2020
Time To Shine


October 2022
Men's Health Unlocked

Risk and volunteering in real life

October 2020
Time To Shine

Role of Connectors during Covid-19 – learning from Ageing Better

December 2020
The National Lottery Community Foundation

RU OK? How Time to Shine worked with partners to respond to local need during lockdown

August 2021
Time To Shine

Running a supportive and welcoming group

September 2019
Time To Shine

Safer transport options after lockdown

July 2020
Time To Shine

Sage: a project for older LGBT+ people in Leeds

August 2021
Time To Shine

SELF: supporting older people’s mental health

May 2021
Time To Shine

Sending and receiving emails (BOSS Workbook 2)

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Setting up a Shared Tables project in your area

March 2020
Time To Shine

Shared Tables: Older people eating out together

October 2018
Centre For Ageing Better

Shared Tables: Time To Shine case study

March 2019
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Sharing creative ideas to keep Zoom groups fun and fresh

February 2021
Time To Shine

Sharing Learning: Yorkshire Dance – In Mature Company

April 2021
Yorkshire Dance / Centre For Cultural Value

Shine Magazine – Lifestyle, learning and laughter during lockdown in Leeds

November 2020
Time To Shine

Small Funds: Setting up a micro-funding programme

November 2021
Time to Shine / Leeds Community Foundation

Social isolation and loneliness in South Asian communities

July 2020
Leicester Ageing Together

Social prescribing – key messages from Ageing Better

March 2019
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Social prescribing support during the Covid-19 crisis – infographics

June 2020
Ageing Better Middlesbrough

SOUTH Enhance Overview (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Sowing the seeds: reflections on running a small funds programme

November 2021
Time to Shine

Staying Connected – Guidance for Ageing Better Groups on adapting to COVID-19

September 2020
Ageing Better in Birmingham

Strategic engagement at West Yorkshire Police

February 2021
Time To Shine

Street Links – end of project report

July 2017
Time To Shine

Stronger Together: A co-production toolkit from Ageing Better

July 2021
Ageing Better

Summary of key third sector offers (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Summary of the Enhance evaluation findings for year two

May 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Sunshine in Leeds: supporting the most lonely older people – Time to Shine end of project report

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Time to Shine / Health for all

Supporting businesses during COVID-19

Ageless Thanet

Supporting independence through digital inclusion

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Supporting Wellbeing and Independence for Frailty (SWIFt)

May 2019
Time To Shine


September 2019
Time To Shine

SWIFt Interim Evaluation – Autumn 2018

October 2018
Health and Care Evaluation Service, Time To Shine

Tackling the growing crisis of lonely men; exploring what works through Time To Shine

August 2019
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Taking a different approach to volunteering

February 2020
Ageless Thanet

Telephone befriending – learning from Ageing Better Middlesbrough

June 2020
Ageing Better Middlesbrough

Telephone befriending – update

December 2020

Telephone befriending: information and resources

March 2020
Time To Shine

Test and Learn Case Study_TEMPLATE

Time To Shine

The Age Friendly Charter

March 2017
Age Friendly Leeds

The complexity of loneliness and the importance of meaningful relationships

August 2019
Time To Shine

The Friendly Communities Project – an Independent Evaluation

March 2022
Sarah E Frost

The Great Outdoors case studies (Travel Connections)

May 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum / TCV Hollybush

The Great Outdoors project: fresh air and friendship – end of project report

March 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Time to Shine

The Leeds Directory

November 2020
Time To Shine

The role of Co-Production in Combating Loneliness and Social Isolation in Later Life: a Case Study of the Time To Shine Programme

December 2020
Louise Whitehead PhD thesis, University of Sheffield

The role of food in building connections and relationships

October 2017
The National Lottery Community Foundation

The State of Ageing in Leeds

December 2021

The value of working with volunteers on Time To Shine projects

September 2019
Time To Shine

Thinking of running an activity to reduce loneliness? Get inspired by Time To Shine

August 2019
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Time To Shine

April 2019
Time To Shine

Time to Shine Case Study to share an individual’s story, outcomes and experiences_TEMPLATE

Time To Shine

Time to Shine Common Measurement Framework (CMF) Demographic questions(shortened version)

Time To Shine

Time to Shine Common Measurement Framework (CMF) Evaluation Questionnaire_shortened version

Time To Shine

Time to Shine Evaluation Interim Report: The Beneficiary Experience

December 2017
Care Connect, University of Sheffield

Time to Shine learning reports: how to find what you need

December 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Time to Shine

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 10: Test and learn: understanding the experiences and challenges of frontline organisations

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 2: methods

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 3: process evaluation

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 4: intervention typologies

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 5: motivations and barriers for beneficiary engagement

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 6: participation, engagement and outcomes for older people

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 7: the impacts of Time to Shine on project beneficiaries

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 8: the impact of Covid-19 on Time to Shine service delivery and project beneficiaries

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine local evaluation. Report 9: legacy, systems, change and sustainability

June 2022
Leeds Older People’s Forum / Centre for Loneliness Studies (University of Sheffield)

Time to Shine Monitoring and Evaluation Report to the Core Partnership TEMPLATE

Time To Shine

Time to Shine programme evaluation: summary of beneficiary outcomes

December 2017
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Time to Shine Programme Manager’s Report to the Core Partnership_TEMPLATE

Time To Shine

Time to Shine Volunteer Listeners report

December 2019
Louise Warwick-Booth, David Woodcock, Leeds Beckett University

Time To Shine, time to share: Lychee Red Chinese Seniors

November 2016
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Time To Shine: Seasonal Loneliness 2019-21 – Outcomes report

October 2021
Leeds Community Foundation

Training, supporting and managing volunteers remotely

October 2020
Time To Shine

Travel Connections learning briefing 2: Brief stories – how Travel Connections is helping older people to tackle loneliness with transport

April 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Travel Connections: end of programme summary

June 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trending Elders 1: January-March 2023

June 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trending Elders 2: April-June 2023

August 2023
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trending Elders 3: September-December 2023

January 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trending Elders 4: January-March 2024

April 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trending Elders 5: April-June 2024

July 2024
Leeds Older People’s Forum

Trigger points: How might older people fall into social isolation and loneliness? (report)

July 2020
Time To Shine

Trigger points: how might people fall into isolation and how we can help them re-connect (toolkit)

July 2020
Time To Shine

Volunteering in the pandemic: practical ideas for supporting people who help

December 2020
Campaign to End Loneliness

Walk With Me

July 2017
Time To Shine

Walking with Confidence: increasing older people’s independence by walking together – Time to Shine end of project report

July 2017
Time To Shine

Warm Welcome checklists pack

July 2021
Time To Shine

Wellbeing activities to reduce loneliness and social isolation

October 2020
Ageless Thanet

WEST Enhance Overview (v1)

September 2022
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

What can we do over the festive season?

November 2020
Time To Shine

What happened to volunteering during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic

October 2020
Time To Shine

What has the Bristol Support Hub for Older People learnt about online and telephone group activities?

September 2020
Bristol Ageing Better

What will we do in the Winter?

October 2020
Time To Shine

Working and engaging with carers – learning from Ageing Better

January 2020
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Working and engaging with older men – learning from Ageing Better

January 2020
The National Lottery Community Foundation

Working in the sector: adaptation, flexibility and engagement

February 2021
Ageing Better in East Lindsey

Working with individuals with Anxiety

October 2019
Time To Shine

Working with younger older people

September 2021
Time To Shine

Young at Arts: Reducing loneliness and social isolation through offering creative social opportunities

July 2017
Care Connect - Local evaluation

Young At Arts: Time to Shine end of project report

July 2017
Time To Shine

Your food, your health April 2018-March 2020

May 2021
Bristol Ageing Better